From beginning to end the whole process will take over a year to complete a single sword. The tsuba (guard), tsuka (handle) and saya (sheath) also need to be made with meticulous care. This molten lump of tamahagane, a kind of impure steel, is forged, hammered, polished, and sharpened. It’s folded, thrust into a fire, and pounded again. Have you ever seen a Japanese katana being made? The lump of glowing red steel pounded by the sword smiths in time. Intro and outro music by Julyan Ray Matsuura: here. In this episode I talk about one of the most well known youtou made by Muramasa Sengo. Depending on how you translate that, it could mean cursed sword, mystic sword, or demon sword.

A Muramasa blade is one of exceptional quality and great bloodlust.