His health and cards are ridiculous and overpowered, but the goal isn’t to take him down in one sitting as everybody will need to work together to take down the powerful Death Knight. The game also introduces Arthas as the first ever Hearthstone raid boss which is a terrific idea to get players working together and take on the Lich King. Many new cards have great synergy with the older ones as well as helping to balance many of the overpowered ones with new countermeasures to prevent quick and easy wins. With 135 new cards, abilities such as Lifesteal and most importantly new legendary heroes, new strategies, and combos are forged with what seems like an infinite number of choices. Like stated above, each expansion brings its own changes to the game and the Knights of the Frozen Throne is no exception.

Now, I have done reviews for Hearthstone expansions in the past but chose to not do them anymore since the game changes and evolves so much between that time and with some being free while others paid, it becomes difficult to gauge the value between them, but Knights of the Frozen Throne does deserve much recognition as it sets the example for each future iteration of Hearthstone moving forward. We take a break from our WoW focused week by the warmth of the Hearth and playing some Hearthstone, specifically with the games chilly new expansion – Knights of the Frozen Throne.