The finest hours common sense media
The finest hours common sense media

Enjoy movies about daring rescues? Go watch this. His character is heroic, but in the strong, silent kind of way. Pine though, is in his element as the resolute rescuer. The love story angle could easily have been left out. But what seems really awkward here is the chemistry between Bernie and Miriam. Apart from the CGI ocean waves, of note are a few tracking shot sequences inside the ship. Common Sense Media improves the lives of kids and families by providing independent reviews, age ratings, & other information about all types of media. This, along with the shots inside the Pendleton, conveys the sense of anxiety and fear that the sailors feel, as they struggle against all odds. The scale of the waves is made pretty apparent when we see it in relation to Bernie’s tiny rescue craft. What really works for Finest Hours is the way Gillespie and the effects team recreate the sound and fury of the stormy sea. This bothers his girlfriend Miriam (Grainger) a lot, who spends much of the movie frantically driving down icy roads and barging into the Coast Guard HQ to anxiously enquire about her boyfriend. Bernie is crazy enough to attempt it, even though he might not survive it.

the finest hours common sense media

And that too, on a motorboat that can only just about hold 20 people. Everyone at the Coast Guard station is aghast when Cluff sends Bernie out on this crazy rescue mission.

The finest hours common sense media