Best ottoman ideas eu4
Best ottoman ideas eu4

Dealing with Ming- Wait till manpower is recovered to about 19k Declare war using mandate of heaven CB Find Ming army with their emperor, Qichen Zhu, as general Defeat this army Beeline straight to Beijing and seige it Now just kill Ming armies while waiting for more war score Take beijing, as many forts as possible, and all their money Raze all provinces and core. Hope this little guide helps! Skip to content. After forming Yuan its easy to roll over everyone around you with the strong idea set.

best ottoman ideas eu4

How to get a great start as the Ottomans on Rule Britannia patch.Oirat has a fairly strong start in 1. Not a member of Pastebin yet? A comprehensive guide to the Ottomans in EU4 If you enjoyed this video, please like, subscribe, or follow on twitter and facebook! In this video guide we will cover all 7 of the Military ideas in eu4, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of each group A comprehensive guide to the Ottomans in EU4 If you enjoyed this video, please like, subscribe, or follow on twitter and facebook! Tips, tricks and expansion guide! Lord Forwind. Europa Universalis IV- Ottoman country guide. Best Ideas for Ottomans, in order? I like defense ideas for the morale and for. I just finished a Russian game and through out the game i managed to keep my tech on time I didnt westernized. Should Ottomans westernize? Hi and i m juz quite puzzled about westernization. They tend to fall behind in technological parity after the mids and. Most players don't play them because we see AI Mamluks die to ottomans every time. Mamluks are one of the more overlooked nations in EU4. I am way ahead of time on diplo tech, so maybe one of those ideas A comprehensive guide to the Ottomans in EU4 If you enjoyed this videoplease like, subscribe, or follow on twitter and facebook The Ottoman Government is a unique government type with fixed dynasty and the following benefits: 1. Advice WantedOttoman idea group? I'm playing as the ottomans, it's I just hit admin tech 10 and am wondering what is a good third idea group. Im about 10 years in and have fully annexed Economic great idea in general. Hey guys playing an Ironman game as The Ottoman Empire. Religious ideas give you one of the best early game casus belli, plus obviously it is much easier to convert provinces Ottomans idea group suggestions. Administrative stacks with Ottoman ideas to give ridiculously cheap coring very early in the game.

best ottoman ideas eu4

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Best ottoman ideas eu4